Monday, September 7, 2009

CiDE Dagupan

From Monday to Saturday (7 to 12 Sept) we were in Dagupan (about an hour away from Bauang) to give a Duc in Altum (“Put Out into the Deep”) and CiDE seminar for Catholic school teachers of the Diocese of La Union. Before this, we had met Bishop Artemio Rillera who oriented us on his expectations. The good bishop is indefatigable. He is leading the charge in keeping up pressure for the prosecution of those involved in the huge shabu laboratory that was busted in La Union last year.

Although hampered by its absence of facility in the Ilocano tongue, the Dilaab team managed to communicate the basics of these seminars at the Center for Lay Formation in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. While we were there, news of the retirement of the local ordinary reached us. Fare thee well Archbishop Cruz; welcome Archbishop Villegas.

CiDE Dagupan Batch 1 pics...

CiDE Dagupan Batch 2 pics...