After their physical workout, the trainees did their morning devotions. They end the day with their evening devotions. Seminar-workshops are sandwiched between these two prayer times. The trainees are part of the 5-day heroic Christian citizenship and leadership program (HCCLP) offered by Dilaab in partnership with the Police National Training Institute (PNTI) in charge of training police personnel. The same event is being planned for Cagayan de Oro and Pampanga. As they say, prevention is better than cure. Beyond this, one could say that a leaven for transformation is emerging among the ranks of the police. The HCCLP has five components: a three-day sensitivity and teambuilding module; a two-day Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS); a two-day S Leadership (i.e. God-centered leadership); a one-day Jacobs Well (discerning the signs of the times from a biblical perspective); and a one-day Spaces of Hope (a good Christian is also a good citizen). We end by reenacting baptism (not celebrating) in the early Church to stress that baptism is the point of unity among Christians and that Christian life is a journey needing support. The HCCLP is the result of collaborative effort between Dilaab and other renewal groups. A closer look reveals that there is an effort here to integrate and align personal conversion, family renewal, and social transformation. To put it another way, we are trying to address what seems to us at Dilaab to be the missing link in social transformation: faith-impelled solidarity. We seemed to have touched a chord in the hearts of many Filipinos outside the PNP community. Donations of blankets, plates, rice, etc. for the said training is coming in from various quarters.
that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.
Remarkable phrase and it is duly
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