Takbo Maharlika Run ends

Rejoice with us in praising God! At 7Am today Takbo Maharlika team reached Zamboanga City Port ending a 7 month run of 2,387 km (83% of Maharlika highway allowed to TM) covering 11 regions, 30 provinces, 13 chartered cities outside Metro Manila with EDSA from Valenzuela to Muntinlupa.

Visit to Fuente Street Kids

A fun afternoon with our friends in Fuente. :) Enjoy your weekend! :)

Takbo Maharlika in Cebu

TM's Cebu Run with the CPNP. A run jived with PDG Nicanor Bartolome's call to Bishop Joe Palma. About 500 PNP, AFP and civilian runners started at 3 different ppints merging at the finish line, the Mandaue Sports Center.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jacob's Well

In the days before indoor plumbing, the community well was more than just a source if water. The townfolk ritually came with their pails and jugs to draw water for drinking and cleansing; shepherds gathered with their sheep to give them a drink after grazing ; travelers watered their camels after traversing the desert for days. The well was a place of refreshment, social contact and neighborliness; a place for news, ideas and shared conversation. More than that, the well was a daily reminder that we all are nourished from the same source.

The well at Sychar was special - Jacob's Well -- It was used by the patriarch Jacob, who may have inherited the well from his father Isaac. It was their dwelling place for many years - on a continuing journey of a people to the land to promise. Twenty seven generations later, Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well, and proceeded to share timeless truths -- the purpose of her life, and the rewards of doing God's work; and the signs of the times that the harvest is in fact ready! Later the townsmen gathered to hear Jesus' truths, and they too believed.

However small a gathering in the whole scheme of things, the conversation at Jacob's Well linked a people to their place in history.

On the eve 22nd Anniversary of the EDSA Revolution, a small group - a few businessmen, two military men, a writer, a young girl barely out of college, and a priest -- gathered for prayer, fellowship, a little food and drink, and a methodical meditation on the Bible. It was a discussion of what the word meant at the time it was written; and what it means in our country today.

How appropriate that the reading that day was the story of the encounter at the well! (John, Chapter 4)

JACOB'S WELL is a guided study of the timeless truths in the bible. It is also a tool for discernment in our lives today.

JACOB'S WELL is for those who believe and those still searching.

JACOB'S WELL is for those who wish to channel their energies towards a divinely transformed nation - quietly guided by the infinite wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

JACOB'S WELL is intended to open doors to the fulfillment of personal goals, aligned with the greater good.

We hold a firm belief there is a glorious destiny pre-ordained for the Philippines. We need Filipinos who care enough to discern it, and to carry it out through prayer and sincere service, in the company of like-minded people, nourished by the same divine source - The Word of God. Whether it is a gathering of 2 people or 20, or 200 - the goal is the same : a transformed nation through the transformation of individuals believers - one heart at a time.

" the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." proverbs 9:10

Inspired by the results of that first little JACOB'S WELL, would like to see more such gatherings happen throughout the country. Training of facilitators is currently in progress - we cordially invite YOU to be one of them.

Every Monday 6:00PM Dilaab Office (St. Jerome Bible Center, Seminario de San Carlos Juan Luna Ave. Mabolo Cebu City)

All are welcome to gather at the well!

see pictures...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

50th Wedding Anniverssary

My parents’ anticipated golden wedding anniversary last July 13 was really the highlight for the month of July. Everything just fell into place and the celebration was so filled to the brim with joy and gratitude. There were even three disabled friends who came in wheelchair, and people from Cebu and beyond, also dear relatives from outside the country, even some dear Dilaab partners and volunteers. Praise the Lord!

Instead of gifts, the celebrants decided to start a fund raising effort for Dilaab. Thanks Mom and Dad. Nearly a week later, a Dilaab volunteer asked her friends to consider giving to the movement for her 40th birthday. Thanks Gladys.

Truly, “what return can I (we) make to the Lord for all that He has done for me (us)?” (Psalm 116)

-Fr Melo

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vassal Teacher Seminar

On July 9, Selene Yu of the Potter’s Leadership Academy gave a whole day vassal-teacher seminar to the Dilaab team that now gives the two-day S Leadership (i.e. God-centered) seminar to police trainees. It is a joy to be with Selene who is a midwife to the birthing process of the Dilaab movement. She even shared some breathing exercises for people who use their voice more than others. Some things we used to do with our mouths and voices when we were children, like blowing through straw into a glass filled with water, had a purpose after all. They strengthen the lungs and fill people with fun. -Fr Melo

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Volunteer Management Workshop

Tess and Beth attended a 4 day seminar workshop on Volunteer Management in Binangunan, Rizal the said workshop was sponsored by TAF/US AID. The workshop is aimed on creating a Volunteer Management Program in an organization. The two outputs of the seminar were the conceptual framework and the 1 year action plan of DILAAB.

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PNP Graduates