Takbo Maharlika Run ends

Rejoice with us in praising God! At 7Am today Takbo Maharlika team reached Zamboanga City Port ending a 7 month run of 2,387 km (83% of Maharlika highway allowed to TM) covering 11 regions, 30 provinces, 13 chartered cities outside Metro Manila with EDSA from Valenzuela to Muntinlupa.

Visit to Fuente Street Kids

A fun afternoon with our friends in Fuente. :) Enjoy your weekend! :)

Takbo Maharlika in Cebu

TM's Cebu Run with the CPNP. A run jived with PDG Nicanor Bartolome's call to Bishop Joe Palma. About 500 PNP, AFP and civilian runners started at 3 different ppints merging at the finish line, the Mandaue Sports Center.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Luid Ka! Book Launching at Cagayan de Oro

The same book launch was held in Cagayan de Oro the following day through a multi-sectoral network with Fr. Nathan Lerio of the Archdiocese of CDO being our point person. The boat trip to CDO yielded a lighter side involving a man who claimed to be a lawyer cum healer. He also claimed to have the answer to the problem of corruption. It is, according to him, a matter of having our backs aligned and he could massage backs. He may have been closer to the truth than he realized. After all, it is a matter of aligning personal conversion, family renewal, and social transformation.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Luid Ka! Book Launching

The Kapampangan Marangal Inc. (KMI) were in Cebu for Luid Ka (“Hail to you”), a coffee-table book launch featuring their experiences of the May 2007 elections. Venue was conference hall, UP Cebu. Some highlights include the personal sharing by Ave and Banjo of KMI who were part of the original circle of discernment that led to the nomination of Among Ed. Their sharing showed that they were responding to the signs of the times from a faith perspective that turned crisis into an opportunity for real change. They also pointed out that there is a way to overcome the prevalent mentality of choosing the lesser evil and this is by identifying, encouraging, and supporting good candidates.

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